Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Vox Tonebender Professional MKII (1966/67)

So in an attempt to make the updating more of a daily experience I have decided to take cues from one of my favorite nerdy blogs, Matrixsynth, and put up some demo videos from time-to-time of pedals that I don't personally own but feel you would enjoy hearing.

So first to break the ice is a video from Pinstripedclips who is demoing a Vox Tonebender MKII fuzz from approximately 1966/67. This thing is mean, lowdown, gritty and grimey sounding, and I kind of wish it was mine! But I guess it's in good hands...


If you're interested in the history of this badass fuzz and want some drool-worthy pics, read more about it here:
D*A*M - The Wife

Thanks for reading!

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